2023 年 10 月 22 日

medium.com/@lightpdf/chatdoc-3d5e364ccf5e): A unique way to interact with your PDF documents using AI.

AI-powered Design Collaboration #

Source: designspace.ai (opens new window)

Design Space — designspace.ai (opens new window): Collaborate with AI to create stunning designs.

Simplify Data Annotation #

Source: labelbox.com (opens new window)

Labelbox — labelbox.com (opens new window): An AI-powered platform for data annotation and labeling.

AI-driven Content Creation #

Source: copy.ai (opens new window)

Copy.ai — copy.ai (opens new window): Generate high-quality content with the help of AI.

Streamline AI Training #

Source: superannotate.com (opens new window)

SuperAnnotate — superannotate.com (opens new window): An annotation platform for training AI models.

Visualize Your AI Models #

Source: wandb.ai (opens new window)

Weights & Biases — wandb.ai (opens new window): Visualize and track your AI models.

AI-powered Code Review #

Source: deepcode.ai (opens new window)

DeepCode — deepcode.ai (opens new window): An AI-powered code review platform.

AI-generated Music #

Source: jukedeck.com (opens new window)

Jukedeck — jukedeck.com (opens new window): Create unique, AI-generated music for your projects.

AI-powered Writing Assistant #

Source: draft.dev (opens new window)

Draft.dev — draft.dev (opens new window): An AI-powered writing assistant for developers.

Conclusion #

These are just a few examples of the incredible AI tools available today. Whether you're looking for assistance in design, content creation, data annotation, or code review, there's an AI tool out there to suit your needs. Keep exploring and discover the possibilities that AI has to offer! 内容创作释放潜力

来源:autothreadai.com (opens new window)

AutoThreadAI — autothreadai.com (opens new window):自动化您的内容创作过程。

来源:writesparkle.ai (opens new window)

Write Sparkle — writesparkle.ai (opens new window):为您的写作增添光彩。


cowriter.org (opens new window)

· CoWriter — cowriter.org (opens new window):您的人工智能文案助手。
