2023 年 11 月 8 日


这个案例研究分析了Lisa Miracchi Titus的研究论文《Does ChatGPT have semantic understanding? A problem with the statistics-of-occurrence strategy》,该论文提出了统计发生模型(SOMs)如ChatGPT缺乏语义理解的论点。该论文通过建立功能标准来作为语义理解的必要条件,即系统的功能必须能够通过对其内部状态和过程之间的语义关系的调用来因果解释。

功能标准: 功能标准要求系统的功能能够通过对其内部状态和过程之间的语义关系的调用来因果解释。这意味着系统必须能够根据语义关系来解释其内部状态和过程的功能。如果一个系统不能满足这个标准,那么它就不能被认为具有语义理解能力。

ChatGPT的语义理解能力: 根据Miracchi Titus的论文,ChatGPT没有满足功能标准,因此缺乏语义理解能力。论文认为,ChatGPT的回答是通过统计发生模型(SOMs)生成的,而不是基于对语义关系的理解。这意味着ChatGPT的回答可能是基于词频和模式匹配而不是真正的语义理解。

讨论和结论: 论文的讨论部分探讨了ChatGPT的语义理解问题,并提出了改进的可能性。作者指出,为了使ChatGPT具有更好的语义理解能力,需要引入更多的语义关系和知识,并将其与统计发生模型相结合。作者还建议对ChatGPT进行更多的实证研究,以验证其语义理解能力。

总的来说,这个案例研究提出了对ChatGPT语义理解能力的质疑,并提出了改进的方向。通过对功能标准的引入和对ChatGPT的分析,论文为进一步研究语义理解提供了一定的启示。然而,有必要进行更多的实证研究来验证这些提出的观点,并进一步改进ChatGPT的语义理解能力。 ccording to the Functional Criterion.

  1. Why internal mechanisms matter:
    The paper emphasizes the importance of understanding the internal mechanisms of a system. It argues that without knowledge of how a system processes information, it is difficult to determine whether it truly possesses semantic understanding. The example of VSMs is used again to illustrate this point. The paper suggests that VSMs may rely on statistical patterns in the data rather than true semantic understanding. Without insight into the internal workings of a system, it is impossible to discern whether it is genuinely understanding semantics or just producing superficially meaningful output.

  2. Why benchmarking is insufficient:
    The author contends that benchmarking, which evaluates systems based on their performance on specific tasks, is not enough to determine semantic understanding. While benchmarking can provide valuable insights into a system's capabilities, it does not guarantee that the system truly comprehends semantics. The paper argues that benchmarking can only assess the surface-level performance of a system, without delving into its internal mechanisms. To truly evaluate semantic understanding, a deeper understanding of the system's internal workings is necessary.

In conclusion, the paper highlights the limitations of relying solely on behavioral observations and benchmarking to determine semantic understanding in systems. It stresses the importance of considering the internal mechanisms of a system and understanding how it processes information. By doing so, a more accurate assessment of semantic understanding can be achieved. ough data. The author suggests that SOMs may capture statistical regularities but not necessarily semantic relationships. 4. The importance of context:
The author emphasizes the importance of context in understanding word meanings. They argue that word meanings are not fixed and can change based on the context in which they are used. Models like Word2Vec, which do not take into account contextual information, may not accurately represent the complexity of word meanings. 5. The limitations of analogies:
The author questions the validity of analogies as a measure of semantic understanding. They argue that while models like Word2Vec can solve analogies, this does not necessarily mean they understand the underlying semantic relationships. Analogies may rely on superficial similarities rather than true semantic connections. 6. Conclusion:
In conclusion, the author suggests that while SOMs like Word2Vec may carry some semantic information, their internal processes may be better described as tracking statistical patterns rather than representing semantic relationships. The author highlights the importance of context in understanding word meanings and raises doubts about the validity of analogies as a measure of semantic understanding. 在这篇文章中,作者讨论了ChatGPT是否具有语义理解能力。作者认为,ChatGPT使用的统计发生率策略(SOMs)并不能满足语义功能标准,因为统计敏感性并不等同于语义敏感性。



Titus, L. M. (2023),’ Does ChatGPT have semantic understanding? A problem with the statistics-of-occurrence strategy’, Cognitive Systems Research, volume 83, 101174 (opens new window)