百度首席执行官宣布 Ernie 机器人类似于 ChatGPT 已超过 2 亿用户
2024 年 4 月 16 日

Ernie Bot, ChatGPT-like Exceeds 200 Million Users

Robin Li, the CEO of Shenzhen Baidu, announced that the company's Ernie bot, which is similar to ChatGPT, has surpassed 200 million users.

Key Points:

  • Baidu's CEO revealed that the Ernie bot, similar to ChatGPT, has exceeded 200 million users.
  • The company provides tools that allow users to create applications without coding experience or integrate AI-powered chatbots with Baidu web search.
  • Baidu's language model, Ernie, forms the core of the chatbot and has been integrated into mobile devices by companies like Honour and Samsung.

Ernie, ChatGPT-like Gains Momentum with 200 Million Users

Li mentioned that the company would hold a second round of its AI development competition with a 50 million yuan ($7 million) prize.

In addition to being Baidu's chairman and co-founder, Li delivered the keynote speech at the AI Create conference themed "Everyone is a Developer," which saw an estimated attendance of 5,000 individuals.

Li showcased the AppBuilder, ModelBuilder, and AgentBuilder tools that enable users to create applications without coding experience or integrate AI-powered chatbots with Baidu web search.

Baidu introduced its ChatGPT-like chatbot Ernie over a year ago and received approval for public use in August.

Baidu's Language Model

Baidu's extensive language model, Ernie, serves as the foundation for the chatbot. Smartphone manufacturers Samsung and Honour have integrated Ernie's AI capabilities into specific devices.

As of December, over 26,000 organizations were actively utilizing Ernie's skills on a monthly basis, with the chatbot handling over 50 million requests daily.

"In 2024, we expect AI revenue contribution to become more significant, while our core business will remain strong," Li stated during a late February earnings call.

Baidu is expected to release its first-quarter results on May 16.

Semiconductor Demand

The global race to develop AI capabilities, especially in content generation, has led to a surge in demand for Nvidia's GPUs, essential for running and training large AI language models.

Export controls imposed by the U.S. in recent years have limited China's access to high-end semiconductors. Li mentioned that Baidu's AI chip reserve would enhance Ernie for the next one or two years.

Alibaba's Chairman Joe Tsai stated in an interview that China is approximately two years behind the U.S. in AI development. Analysts predict that Chinese companies may gain an edge in AI applications.

China's AI market, dominated by hardware followed by software and services, is projected to surpass $26 billion by 2026, up from under $15 billion last year.

Analysts estimate China's spending on digital transformation will grow by 19.2% from 2023 to 2026, surpassing the projected global increase of 15.6%.